Monday, March 28, 2011

Will I EVER get noticed?

I was just going through one of the other blogs that I follow ('Follow?' What's that, Kit?) when I ran across the following line:

"It (Magic: The Gathering)'s been around forever. I actually built a deck in 1995..."

Hey - what a coincidence! It was during that same year - my first terrible semester as a college undergraduate - when I...

"...when I was in fourth grade."

...and suddenly, all of the big words that I usually rely upon so heavily failed me completely.

Still, I'd already been pondering such things lately - and as these thoughts now seem to be particularly important: What does my voice bring to the already-overcrowded community of online commentators that could possibly be at all unique, anyway?

And how can I ever hope to achieve any sort of relevancy in comparison to the sheer magnitude of all the other work that's already out there - competing with the dedicated websites which exclusively feature the talents of those aforementioned creative young people?

At any rate, I hope to explore these issues more thoroughly in the weeks to come. Seeing as though I have very little time at present for anything other than my job and my continued education, for the moment I guess I'll just have to label my further ramblings on the matter as merely being works-in-progress.

1 comment:

  1. Not long ago, I read "You Can't Go Home Again." I'm not gonna lie, I only picked it up off of my grandfather's bookshelf because it had that musty tome quality to it, and shared its name with a particularly good Battlestar Galactica episode. It was fascinating; it is a thinly-veiled autobiographical book by a man with a pretty naked desire to be seen as a great author. It was his last book, and he died shortly after finishing it at a young age from pneumonia, but when he was writing it, he thought he had achieved his goal - at the time, he was one of the biggest names in American literature.

    After finishing the book, I did some research on him. Thomas Wolfe has, since then, slowly drifted out of the American consciousness. His giant novels stopped showing up in school curricula, and he was once again an unknown author. I had found in that book a real-life Ozymandias, and I looked upon his works and despaired.

    I too would like recognition. I came across your blog through your follower link from my voyager reviews blog. But even recognition, even being viewed as one of the American literature greats, can be fleeting. All I can tell you is I eventually decided that fame/celebrity/recognition cannot be the end goal for me. I'll continue writing about things that interest me, and maybe it will interest others, maybe not. I will try to be honest to myself, and to create things that I can be proud of.

    Even if Thomas Wolfe is no longer considered one of the greats, he still profoundly affected me. And that matters, to me.
